Tuesday, January 6

Everything to get Exergaming

Starting exergaming in the USA!

If you don't know where to start with exergaming, then this starter pack from Gopher Sport is just for you. It includes everything you need to get your kids moving in one easy package.

For less than $800 you get the choice of either two Power Steppers or two Endurance Cycles. Also included is the PlayStation and three top sports titles, there's no better choice or value to get moving in 2009!

Includes PlayStation®2 game console, 2 Gamercize® Steppers or Cycles, PS2 FIFA Soccer 2009, PS2 Athens Summer Olympics, and PS2 Madden 2009 games.

Get over to Gopher here and order yours today!

1 comment:

Danny Young said...

When you get into any other kind of sport one thing you have to consider are sports supplies fitness

, otherwise, you couldn't utilize your full potential in sport