Immersive Exergaming in HD
There is no need to wait for your favourite exercise console to step up; exergaming is in HD today with Gamercize. Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 full HD exergaming is available for online and solo play without the wait.
Gamercize is the company that turned exergaming on its head by putting the games and the fun first in video game exercise. All HD titles can be played with the patented Gamercize interface and a full range of genuine cardio fitness equipment.
Cowen Group survey results last week revealed that 77% of owners of the most popular exercise console prefer their Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3. Gamercize agrees that the enjoyment of the game is what makes exergaming so successful, but uniquely Gamercize doesn’t compromise on fitness with an unchallenged cardio busting maximum 650 calorie per hour workout.
The Gamercize modular HD exergaming system gives options in fitness with the GZ Endurance cycle, GZ Power Stepper and the latest bestseller, the 3-in 1 Family Fit combination recumbent cycle, rower and exergame. Gaming with the latest titles is supported on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC.
Console owners that have lost their way with workout games are not left out, as Gamercize supports Mario games too, and are encouraged to put the fun back into fitness video gaming with Gamercize.
Until December 7th the Gamercize campaign Game4Life is giving extra reason to enjoy being more active and healthy by offering £50, €70 or USD$100 cash discount on the top of the range Gamercize Family Fit that was shown on national TV last month. Visit for more information.
Sunday, November 29
High Definition Exergaming is Available Now
Posted 17:37 0 comments
Tags: active gaming, exergaming, gamercize, hd, ps3, xbox 360
Tuesday, November 17
Exergaming Research in Shambles
Study Results from Professionals or Puppets?
Last week the American Council on Exercise released a study that showed Wii Fit didn't come up to it's standards of moderate to vigorous physical activity. This week Nintendo released a study showing that Wii Fit does meet the standards. Who is right?
The moderate to vigorous physical activity standard is very important. It's the basis behind every single country's government health advice. It's the sustained target at which fitness levels improve and overweight health risks can be reduced. Irrespective of METs and V02MAX measurements the basics are "activity that makes you sweat after 5 minutes duration".
Wii Fit is bringing researchers and active gaming (and governments) into disrepute with the constant commercial push and pull with science fact. Largely this is all irrelevant when you look at figures from the Nintendo channel that show a half hour use per month average. Is it MVPA or not, it doesn't matter if you don't use it.
Ask people what they consider good exercise and you'll probably come back with running, swimming, cycling, sport and the number one answer - the gym. Think about what you find in a gym that makes people give this answer - that's right, cardio fitness machines. Now take a look at the picture below and ask yourself - why isn't this exergame (and others like it) being studied?
The reason is awareness, or rather lack of it, in the wider community. There are so many active gaming options available to suit all abilities and interests. Just take a look at the Interactive Fitness and Exergaming wiki site. It's time for researchers to research a bit more before starting trails to make sure they have right equipment under test.
Looking deeper into the work that ACE has done reveals a good tempate for results with easy, medium and hard settings tested, and the full range of biometric data. In looking forwards perhaps the standard needs to be set (or maybe ACE has already set this?) and the different options need to be explored.
Posted 09:49 1 comments
Tags: ace fitness, active gaming, exergaming, fitness, gamecize, health, Nintendo, phyical activity, weight loss, wii fit
Friday, November 13
Gamercize and the Game4Life Campaign
Raising awareness of active video games
Today Gamercize announced the Game4Life campaign, a common keyword for the exergame industry to use to promote all different types of active gaming products and initiatives.
Video games have been getting bad press for violence linked to aggressive off-screen behaviour recently with the release of Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, but this is only half of the problem with video game PR. This single game has united gamers under the banner of Gamer's Voice - a Facebook group that is growing with over 13,000 members in less than a week, started by Labour MP Tom Watson.
The other half of the criticisms aimed at gaming is that is makes you fat. Despite the gaming industry response to this criticism using Wii Fit as an example, the wheels have come off that cart with findings from the American Council on Exercise this week that proves Wii Fit isn't really exercise.
Game4Life is a keyword (not a logo, the one in this post is just a personal impression I liked!) to raise awareness that there are many many more options of video game exercise that do work for cardio fitness. Gamercize has an acclaimed heart thumping range of exercise options from it's compact Power Stepper to the new full sized Family Fit - 3 in 1 recumbent cycle, static rower and Xbox 306, PS3 or Wii exergame.
Use Game4Life as a promo code, in a blog headline or as a twitter hashtag and let the public (and the government, press and fitness associations!) know about your video game exercise product or service so we can dispel the other half of gaming criticism.
Posted 09:33 0 comments
Tags: active gaming, exergaming, game4life, gamecize, games for health, Nintendo Wii, ps3, xbox 360